In pursuit of our goal for all of children to become resilient, regulated learners, we have developed a bespoke social-emotional learning curriculum that promotes independence, emotional literacy and social skills to support our pupils throughout Key Stage 2 and beyond.
The Chalkwell Character Curriculum has been created with careful consideration to the context and needs of our children, ensuring that all pupils are taught metacognitive strategies, provided emotional regulation toolkits and have experiences that develop our six core values of enquiry, cooperation, creativity, respect, responsibility and resilience. We believe that this approach celebrates challenge and overcoming adversity, preparing the children to be life-long learners and problem-solvers.
Alongside our PSHE lessons and relational approach to behaviour management, this curriculum is taught through our carefully sequenced assemblies, the use of Zones of Regulation across the school and, most recently, The Chalkwell Passport.
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