Year 4 Overview

Year 4 Curriculum Map 2024-25
Year 4 Spring Second Half Term 2025                           
 “How can you weather a storm?”

Year Group Who’s Who (and where to find us)

The Year 4 class teachers are:

4NM – Mrs N Murray-Morris (Head of Year)

4SR – Mr S Robinson

4JT – Mrs J Thompson

4BR – Mrs H Ballard & Mrs S Reeder


Mrs Haggar will be teaching a maths group and separate phonics/reading skills group, every morning. Her groups will follow a more personalised curriculum than the rest of the year group. She is available most afternoons by the Y4 classroom doors.

Mrs M Mills (All Classes)

Mrs S Pradhan (4BR)       

Miss D Schacht (4SR) 

Mrs M Endell (4NM)         

Mrs J Hendry (4JT)         

Miss A Emms Medina (All classes)   

Through an enquiry-based curriculum we teach Maths and English daily and a range of foundation subjects such as: History, Geography, Computing, PE, Art, RE, PSHE, Music and DT. More details on foundation subjects can be found on Page Two.


Maths is taught within classes with additional support and a wide range of differentiation for reinforcement and challenge tasks. 

This half of term our learning focus will be on: 

     •  Measurement

     •  Area and Perimeter

     •  Geometry

Maths homework is set via My Maths every Friday, to be completed by the following Friday. We also encourage pupils to use TTRockStars at least twice a week for 10 – 15 minutes a time.


English skills will be taught in a variety of ways, including specific lessons and through cross-curricular works.

In addition to the genres below, we teach regular spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons and reading comprehension. 

Year 4 will be covering the following themes in English for this half of the term:


     •  Poetry – Kenning poems

     •  Non-Fiction – Persuasive Text

     •  Fiction – Stories set in an imagined world

In addition to the genres above we teach regular lessons and punctuation and grammar lessons are integrated into our English teaching. Spellings will be sent assigned weekly (on Fridays) with pupils assigned Spelling shed tasks to practice the spellings as well as learning them in school.

We expect all the children in this year to work hard. We have high expectations and hope you will support us, you can do this by:

Communication with your child’s class teacher can be made informally via the class email account (e.g. If you wish to make a longer appointment, please telephone the school office and a phone call can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.

We look forward to an exciting and productive half term!

Year 4 Team

Year 4 Learning Objectives Spring 2 2025 Year 4 Creative Homework Spring 2 2025

Year 4 Spring First Half Term 2025                                                       
“How Advanced were The Maya?”


Through an enquiry-based curriculum we teach Maths and English daily and a range of foundation subjects such as: History, Geography, Computing, PE, Art, RE, PSHE, Music and DT. More details on foundation subjects can be found on Page Two.



Maths is taught within classes with additional support and a wide range of differentiation for reinforcement and challenge tasks.
This half of term our learning focus will be on:

     •  Graphs

     •  Fractions

     •  Time

Maths homework is set via My Maths every Friday, to be completed by the following Friday. We also encourage pupils to use TTRockStars at least twice a week for 10 – 15 minutes a time.


English skills will be taught in a variety of ways, including specific lessons and through cross-curricular works.

In addition to the genres below, we teach regular spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons and reading comprehension.


Year 4 will be covering the following themes in English for this half of the term:

     •  Poetry – Shape poems

     •  Narrative  – Stories from other cultures

     •  Non-Fiction – Recounts – linked with History

In addition to the genres above we teach regular lessons and punctuation and grammar lessons are integrated into our English teaching. Spellings will be sent assigned weekly (on Fridays) with pupils assigned Spelling shed tasks to practice the spellings as well as learning them in school.


We expect all the children in this year to work hard. We have high expectations and hope you will support us, you can do this by:


Communication with your child’s class teacher can be made informally via the class email account (e.g. ). If you wish to make a longer appointment, please telephone the school office and a phone call can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.


We look forward to an exciting and productive half term!


Year 4 Team

Year 4 Learning Objectives Spring 1 2025 Year 4 Creative Homework Spring 1 2025

Year 4 Autumn Second Half Term 2024                                                     
“Can you travel the world in 80 days?”


Through an enquiry-based curriculum we teach Maths and English daily and a range of foundation subjects such as: History, Geography, Computing, PE, Art, RE, PSHE, Music and DT. More details on foundation subjects can be found on Page Two.



Maths is taught within classes with additional support and a wide range of differentiation for reinforcement and challenge tasks.  In addition. Mymaths homework is set weekly (on Fridays.)
This half of term our learning focus will be on:

     •  Multiplication

     •  Division 



English skills will be taught in a variety of ways, including specific lessons and through cross-curricular works.

In addition to the genres below, we teach regular spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons and reading comprehension.


Year 4 will be covering the following themes in English for this half of the term:

     •  Poetry – Narrative

     •  Narrative – Stories with a theme - travel

     •  Non-Fiction – Persuasive writing



In addition to the genres above we teach regular lessons and punctuation and grammar lessons are integrated into our English teaching. Spellings will be sent assigned weekly (on Fridays) with pupils assigned Spelling shed tasks to practice the spellings as well as learning them in school.


We expect all the children in this year to work hard. We have high expectations and hope you will support us, you can do this by:


Organisational aspects

     •  Ensuring that your child is at school on time and dressed appropriately;

     •  Dinner money is sent to school via the Sims Agora online payment system

     •  Make sure that your child wears PE kit to school on their PE days

     •  All children may bring a healthy snack;

     •  Encourage your child to be prepared for the school day with the correct equipment.


Educational aspects

     •  Ensure your child reads every single day for at least fifteen minutes, preferably aloud, to an adult

     •  Encourage your child to complete the week’s spelling shed challenges, as well as learning the words sent home

     •  Mathematics, encourage your child to practise the 4 operations (+, -, ÷, x), learn tables and use mathematical skills in everyday life, eg time and money.


Communication with your child’s class teacher can be made informally via the class email account (e.g. If you wish to make a longer appointment, please telephone the school office and a phone call can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.


We look forward to an exciting and productive half term!


Year 4 Team

Year 4 Learning Objectives Autumn 2 2024 Year 4 Creative Homework Autumn 2 2024

Year 4 Autumn First Half Term 2024 
‘What makes a great Warrior?’


Through an enquiry-based curriculum we teach Maths and English daily and a range of foundation subjects such as: History, Geography, Computing, PE, Art, RE, PSHE, Music and DT. More details on foundation subjects can be found on Page Two.



Year 4 will be in mixed ability groups for maths lessons, which are timetabled for an hour and 15 minutes every morning. We also dedicate 15–20-minute session to times tables once a week. Mymaths homework is set weekly (on Fridays.)
This half of term, we will be covering:

     •  Place Value

     •  Addition

     •  Multiplication and Division



Year 4 will be covering the following themes in English for this ½ of term:

     •  Poetry: Riddle Poems

     •  Narrative: Legend story writing

     •  Non-fiction: Journalistic writing


In addition to the genres above, we teach regular spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons and reading comprehension. Spellings will be sent home weekly (on Fridays) and pupils will be required to complete tasks on Spelling Shed.


We expect all the children in this year to work hard. We have high expectations and hope you will support us; you can do this by:


Organisational aspects

     •  Ensuring that your child is at school on time and dressed appropriately;

     •  Dinner money is sent to school via the Sims Agora online payment system

     •  Make sure that your child wears their PE kit to school on their classes PE day;

     •  All children may bring a healthy snack;

     •  Encourage your child to be prepared for the school day with the correct equipment.


Educational aspects

     •  Ensure your child reads every single day for at least fifteen minutes, preferably to an adult

     •  Encourage your child to research other words that match the week’s spelling rules, as well as learning the words sent home

     •  Mathematics, encourage your child to practise the 4 operations (+, -, ÷, x), learn tables and use mathematical skills in everyday life, eg time and money.


Communication with your child’s class teacher can be made informally via the class email account (e.g. If you wish to make a longer appointment, please telephone the school office and a phone call can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.


We look forward to an exciting and productive half term!


Year 4 Team


Year 4 Learning Objectives Autumn 1 2024 Year 4 Creative Homework Autumn 1 2024
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