Pupil Premium

At Chalkwell Hall Junior School we have high expectations of our staff and pupils and aim to deliver high quality teaching through a broad and balanced curriculum, which is tailored to the needs and interests of pupils.

Through challenge and high quality feedback, we want pupils to develop positive learning habits, growth mindsets and resilience, in order to achieve their potential and the best possible outcomes, and to prepare them fully for the next stage of their education.

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is an extra government funding initiative aimed at closing the gap in performance between pupils from disadvantaged/low income families and other pupils. Where gaps do not exist, the funding is used to accelerate learning so that full potential is achieved. The indicators used to identify such pupils are Free School Meals (FSM), both present and historic, and looked after children.

Schools receive the funding directly from appropriate government agencies and are free to spend the money on initiatives that target areas of need and that will, subsequently, help close any gap between the achievement of Pupil Premium pupils and their peers or accelerate progress as appropriate.

At Chalkwell Hall Junior School we use the Pupil Premium funding to provide a mixed programme of whole school and individual initiatives aimed at improving academic achievement, as well as social and emotional development and wellbeing. These initiatives go hand in hand with our overall vision and our current school improvement plan which has its own section on Pupil Premium. These include:

  • Maintaining high quality teaching
  • Personalised learning programmes where appropriate
  • Providing rich learning experiences
  • Self-esteem and confidence building initiatives
  • Schemes that help prepare children for their futures

This may range from providing relevant CPD opportunities for staff to providing individual intervention both inside and outside the classroom. We aim to ensure that interventions are targeted to need and are timely, both in terms of when they start and their duration.


Throughout the year interim reviews of the strategy take place with the Headteacher and the PP Governor. At the end of the year in July a full and final review takes place to ensure the strategy remains relevant.


Please find below documents which give further details of past and present spending plans and impact on pupils, along with guidance on how to claim for Free School Meals.

Pupil Premium Grant Plan 2024-2025 Pupil Premium Grant Plan 2023-2024 Pupil Premium Grant Plan 2022-2023 Pupil Premium Grant Plan 2021-2022 Applying for Free School Meals & Pupil Premium Funding
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