At Chalkwell Hall Junior School, the emotional health and wellbeing of our whole community (children, parents and staff) is paramount to being a successful school. Our ethos is a caring one, which develops respect, self-esteem and gives a voice for all. We promote a caring, supportive and inclusive ethos and foster a strong and effective partnership with parents where involvement and contribution are valued.
Our Pastoral Lead is Mr N. Hanshaw who is supported closely by Ms S. Sleigh-Johnson.
Our Pastoral Team is made up of Mr N. Hanshaw (DSL, Behaviour, Safeguarding and Pastoral Lead), Ms S. Sleigh-Johnson (School Counsellor, Learning Mentor and Deputy DSL), Mrs A. Haggar (SENCO), Mr A. Newnham (Headteacher & Deputy DSL), Mrs C. Hawes (Attendance Team) & Mrs S. Wilson (Attendance Team).
This page is designed to help us work together to support children's emotional well being both in and out of school.
For any Safeguarding concerns please visit: Safeguarding
Our Pastoral Team in school are here to help children if they are having problems. There is a process that we follow to ensure that each child receives the best support we can provide in school. Support is provided in three tiers using the following process:
Universal Support (Tier 1)
Universal support is used to meet the needs of all our pupils through our overall ethos, core values and Chalkwell Curriculum. This includes Mindful Monday 'soft start', weekly Chalkwell Character Curriculum support lessons, weekly PSHE sessions, assemblies, Worry boxes and Zones of Regulation support systems within every classroom and a staff dedicated to ensuring the mental wellbeing of all our pupils.
Targeted Support (Tier 2)
Targeted support is for those who may have short term needs and those who may have been made vulnerable by life experiences such as bereavement. Targeted support can include mentoring from the class teacher, learning support assistant and/or a member of the pastoral team.
Specific Support (Tier 3)
Specific support is for pupils who need more differentiated support and resources or specific targeted interventions such as counselling, wellbeing groups, play therapy, 1:1 support from a member of the pastoral team or - if deemed appropriate by the pastoral team and after consulting with parents - a referral to an outside agency.
Initially all children receive universal support from their class-based adults. These staff are familiar and constant. They will, as necessary, provide a time when they can meet with children in a quiet, confidential place to provide support. If, after meeting with the child, they feel that your child would benefit from more targeted support the child will be referred to the Pastoral Team who meet weekly and decide on how best to support children in school. If the Pastoral Team feel that the child would benefit from targeted or specific support then they will ensure that parents are notified as to which member of the team will be providing further support and over what time period.
It may be that the Pastoral Team signpost parents to the wealth of support available to families outside of school.
We recognise at times children may need immediate support due to certain situations, eg: bereavement, trauma etc, and we will always accommodate those situations. If you believe a child in your class would benefit from a more targeted support at any time please complete the Pastoral Referral Form which will be reviewed in Pastoral Meetings and if appropriate, decide which tier of support will be provided.
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