Sports Leaders

Sports Leaders

At Chalkwell Hall Junior School, Sport is a huge part of the day, whether it be extra-curricular clubs, P.E. lessons or school competitions. We pride ourselves on the fact that we enter every competition we can in order to give every child the opportunity to participate and represent the school at some point on their Chalkwell Journey.


As a result of this, there is so much organising that is required. That is where our incredible Sports Leaders come in. Mr Smale and Mr Robinson are always in need of help to keep the vast amounts of equipment organised so that lessons and training can take place efficiently. Sports Leaders also meet together to discuss ways in which we can raise interest levels in various events that take place. 


School sport is constantly evolving and Mr Smale is always looking at ways to ensure that Chalkwell remains one of the best sporting schools in the area, it is part of the Sports Leaders’ jobs to help with this.

Sports Day

 Finally, the biggest event on the calendar is Sports Day, which takes place in the Summer Term. At Chalkwell, we run a carousel of events (8 different events). We would not be able to run the event like we do without the help of our Sports Leaders – and Deputies – who can be found setting up each station repeatedly so that the event runs smoothly. So, if you attend our Sports Day this year, please give our leaders lots of support and thanks for all their hard work! 

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