Music enriches children’s lives and education and develops cognitive and physical skills, as well as evoking emotional responses.
Music is a powerful medium for communication between different ages, cultures, social backgrounds and abilities.
The art of music is the organisation of sound using elements of rhythm, pitch, dynamics, timbre and texture, within a variety of structures.
Music is a fully inclusive activity, allowing all pupils to participate, regardless of ability. Pupils who find spoken language difficult may chant or sing in a language far more complex than language that they can construct themselves. Similarly, mathematical skills such as pattern making, counting and grouping are more easily learned through song and rhythm.
Successful participation in music develops pupils’ self-esteem, confidence and learning skills. It promotes teamwork, turn-taking, sense of leadership and allows cross-curricular learning. It is an effective medium for self-expression, engenders enjoyment, enhances co-operative working and promotes a sense of community.
Above all, Chalkwell pupils should gain delight, enjoyment, satisfaction and a love of music by becoming involved in its language and literature, through performance, composition, listening and appraising and by developing sensitivity and critical faculties.