The year 6 teachers are:
Class 6AD – Mrs Dubouchet (Head of Year)
Class 6AF – Mr Fleming
Class 6DS – Mr Smale
Class 6CW–Miss Winders and Mrs Cade
In addition, Year 6 is supported by:
Miss Sadler (Year 6 Set Teacher)
Mrs Flewitt (HLTA)
Miss Sullivan (LSA)
Mrs Baker (LSA)
Mrs Clarkson (LSA)
What will we be learning about in school this half term?
Our topic for this half term will be ‘How have pioneers shaped the modern world?’
Through an enquiry-based curriculum, we teach Maths and Literacy daily and a range of foundation subjects such as: History, Science, Geography, Computing, PE, Art, PSHE, Music and DT.
For the foreseeable future, Year 6 have two parallel challenge sets and one middle set and two support sets, which are timetabled for the first hour every morning. There is also an additional hour of arithmetic skills on a Monday afternoon.
• Use simple formulae
• Generate and describe linear number sequences
• Express missing number problems algebraically
• Find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with two unknowns
• Enumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables
• Interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs and use these to solve problems
• Calculate and interpret the mean as an average.
Geometry: Properties of Shapes:
• Draw 2D shapes using given dimensions and angles
• Compare and classify geometric shapes based on their properties and sizes and find unknown angles in any triangles, quadrilaterals and regular polygons
• Recognise angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line, or are vertically opposite, and find missing angles
Maths homework will now be set every Friday on the SATs Companion website. We also expect children to use TTRockstars at least three times a week.
English skills will be taught in a variety of ways, including specific lessons and through cross-curricular words.
In addition to the genres below, we teach regular spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons and reading comprehension.
Year 6 will be covering the following themes in literacy for this half term:
• Poetry
• Stories
• Explanation texts
• Biographies
• Diaries
Reading homework will be set every Wednesday and spelling homework will be given every Friday. These will be given as paper copies.
Foundation Subjects
Our foundation subjects will include:
• Science – Evolution and Adaptation
• DT – Cams
• Computing – E-Safety
• RE – Buddhism
• Geography – South America
• PE – Tennis and Gymnastics
• Music – Film Music
Please click on the homework tab for our homework policy and suggestions for creative homework tasks for this topic.
We expect all children in this year to work hard. We have high expectations and hope you will support us; you can do this by:
Organisational aspects:
• Ensuring that your child is at school on time and dressed appropriately;
• Dinner money is paid online;
• Make sure that your child knows their PE day and wears their kit to school;
• All children may bring a healthy snack;
• Encourage your child to be prepared for the school day with the correct equipment.
Educational aspects:
• Ensure your child reads every single day for at least fifteen minutes, preferably to an adult
• Mathematics, encourage your child to practise the 4 operations (+, -, x, ÷), learn times tables and use mathematical skills in everyday life, e.g. time and money.
• Ensure your child is completing their reading, maths, spelling and creative homework weekly.
Communication with your child’s class teacher can be made through the class email address or informally at the end of the school day. If you wish to make a longer appointment, please telephone the school office and this can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.
Year 6 Team
What will we be learning about in school this half term?
Our topic for this half term will be ‘Does the crime fit the punishment?’
Through an enquiry-based curriculum, we teach Maths and Literacy daily and a range of foundation subjects such as History, Science, RE, Spanish, PE, PSHE, Music and Art.
For the foreseeable future, Year 6 have 2 parallel challenge sets and 1 middle set and 2 parallel support sets, which are timetabled for the first hour every morning. There is also an additional hour of arithmetic skills on a Monday afternoon.
• Solve problems involving the calculation of percentages [for example, of measures, and such as 15% of 360] and the use of percentages for.
• Recall and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages, including in different contexts.
• Work out calculations where there is an increase or decrease of a percentage.
• Solve problems involving the relative sizes of two quantities where missing values can be found by using integer multiplication and division facts
• Solve problems involving similar shapes where the scale factor is known or can be found
• Use simple formulae
• Generate and describe linear number sequences
• Express missing number problems algebraically
• Find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with two unknowns
• Enumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables
Homework will be set every Friday through the MyMaths website. We also expect children to use TTRockstars at least three times a week
English skills will be taught in a variety of ways, including specific lessons and through cross-curricular words.
In addition to the genres below, we teach regular spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons and reading comprehension.
Year 6 will be covering the following themes in literacy for this half term:
• Slow Writing
• Ghost Stories
• Balanced Arguments
Foundation Subjects
Our foundation subjects will include:
• Science – Body Pump
• Art – Kapow
• Computing – Sketch Up
• RE – Hinduism
• History – Crime and Punishment through the Medieval Ages
• PE – Get Set for PE
• Music – Recorders
Please click on the homework tab for our homework policy and suggestions for creative homework tasks for this topic.
We expect all children in this year to work hard. We have high expectations and hope you will support us; you can do this by:
Organisational aspects:
• Ensuring that your child is at school on time and dressed appropriately;
• Dinner money is sent into school on Monday;
• Make sure that your child has a PE kit which is clearly labelled;
• All children my bring a healthy snack;
• Encourage your child to be prepared for the school day with the correct equipment.
Educational aspects:
• Ensure your child reads every single day for at least fifteen minutes, preferably to an adult
• Mathematics, encourage your child to practise the 4 operations (+, -, x, ÷), learn times tables and use mathematical skills in everyday life, e.g. time and money.
Communication with your child’s class teacher can be made through the school email address or informally at the end of the school day. If you wish to make a longer appointment, please telephone the school office and this can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.
The Year 6 Team
What will we be learning about in school this half term?
Our topic for this half term will be ‘What makes Britain a diverse and multicultural country?’
Through an enquiry-based curriculum, we teach Maths and Literacy daily and a range of foundation subjects such as: History, Geography, Computing, PE, Art, PSHE, Music and DT.
For the foreseeable future, Year 6 have 2 parallel challenge sets and 3 parallel support sets, which are timetabled for the first hour every morning. There is also an additional hour of arithmetic skills on a Monday afternoon.
This half term our learning focus is:
• Use common factors to simplify fractions; use common multiples to express fractions in the same denomination
• Add and subtract fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers, using the concept of equivalent fractions
• Reading and writing decimals
• Dividing whole numbers
• Writing fractions as decimals
• Multiplying and dividing by decimals
• Multiplying and dividing a decimal by a 2-digit number.
Homework will be set every Friday, which may be on paper or through the MyMaths website. We also expect children to use TTRockstars at least three times a week. Any paper homework should be returned to the child’s maths teacher.
English skills will be taught in variety of ways, including specific lessons and through cross-curricular words.
In addition to the genres below we teach regular spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons and reading comprehension.
Year 6 will be covering the following themes in literacy for this half term:
• Poetry
• Biographies
• Stories
• Persuasion
Spelling homework is set weekly with pupils researching other words that match the rule: these will be practiced throughout the week in class. Reading homework is set weekly in sets and should be returned to the child’s reading teacher.
Foundation Subjects
Our foundation subjects will include:
• Science – Light
• D&T – Food Technology
• RE – Islam
• History – The Windrush Generation
• PE – Basketball and Dodgeball
• Computing - Websites
• Music – Composition
• PSHE – Respecting ourselves and relationships
Please click on the homework tab for our homework policy and suggestions for creative homework tasks for this topic.
We expect all children in this year to work hard. We have high expectations and hope you will support us, you can do this by:
Organisational aspects:
• Ensuring that your child is at school on time and dressed appropriately;
• Dinner money is paid into SchoolMoney;
• Make sure that your child wears their PE kit to school on their arranged day;
• All children my bring a healthy snack;
• Encourage your child to be prepared for the school day with the correct equipment.
Educational aspects:
• Ensure your child reads every single day for at least fifteen minutes, preferably to an adult
• Mathematics, encourage your child to practise the 4 operations (+, -, x, ÷), learn times tables and use mathematical skills in everyday life, e.g. time and money.
Communication with your child’s class teacher can be made via the class email address. If you wish to make a longer appointment, please telephone the school office and this can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.
The Year 6 team
What will we be learning about in school this half term?
Our topic for this half term will be ‘How would ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ differ in a Caribbean setting?’
This half term, through an enquiry-based curriculum, we teach Maths and Literacy daily and Science weekly. We also teach a range of foundation subjects such as: Geography, Computing, PE, RE, PSHE, Music and DT.
For the foreseeable future, Year 6 have 2 parallel challenge sets and 3 parallel support sets, which are timetabled for the first hour every morning. There is also an additional hour of arithmetic skills on a Monday afternoon.
This half term our learning focus is:
Place value:
• Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 1 million and determine the value of each digit.
• Round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy.
• Solve number and practical problems that involve all of the above.
• Multiply multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long multiplication.
• Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long division, and interpret remainders as whole number remainders, fractions, or by rounding, as appropriate for the context.
• Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit number using the formal written method of short division where appropriate, interpreting remainders according to the context.
• Use estimation to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a problem, an appropriate degree of accuracy.
• Use common factors to simplify fractions; use common multiples to express fractions in the same denominator.
• Add and subtract fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers, using the concept of equivalent fractions.
Homework will be set every Friday, which may be on paper or through the MyMaths website. We also expect children to use TTRockstars at least three times a week. Any paper homework should be returned to the child’s maths teacher.
English skills will be taught in variety of ways, including specific lessons and through cross-curricular words.
In addition to the genres below, we teach regular spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons and reading comprehension skill lessons.
Year 6 will be covering the following themes in literacy for this half term:
• Poetry
• Setting and Character descriptions
• Stories
• Instructions
• Playscripts
Spelling homework is set weekly and pupils will learn spelling patterns related to those we practise all week in school. Reading homework is set weekly in sets and should be returned to the child’s reading teacher.
Please click on the homework tab for our homework policy and suggestions for creative homework tasks for this topic.
We expect all children in this year to work hard. We have high expectations and hope you will support us, you can do this by:
Organisational aspects:
• Ensuring that your child is at school on time and attire follows the school uniform rules;
• Make sure that your child wears their PE kit to school on their arranged day;
• All children bring a healthy snack and a refillable water bottle;
• Encourage your child to be prepared for the school day with the correct equipment.
Educational aspects:
• Ensure your child reads every single day for at least fifteen minutes, preferably to an adult
• Encourage your child to practise the 4 operations (+, -, x, ÷), learn times tables and use mathematical skills in everyday life, e.g. time and money.
• Promote a positive routine with homework, ensuring your children know when it is due and where their homework is;
Communication with your child’s class teacher can be made via the class email address. If you wish to make a longer appointment, please telephone the school office and this can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.
We look forward to an exciting and productive Autumn term!
The Year 6 team
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