Year 5 Overview

Year 5 Curriculum Map 2024-2025
Year 5 Spring - Second Half Term 2025       
‘What makes a Canyon Grand?’ 

Year Group Who’s Who (and where to find us)

The Year 5 class teachers are:

5SH – Mr S Halsall (Head of Year)                                                 

5RM – Mr Maskell

5GH – Mrs Hume                                                                                         

5CF – Mr Fleury         

In addition Year 5 are supported by:

Mrs Skurr                                                                                                               

Mrs Porter                                                                                                                                                                                            Miss Millington                                                                                                   

Mr Holliman

Miss Dean                                                                                                           

Miss Hills


What will we be learning about in school this half term?


Maths is now being taught in sets. We have three challenge sets and two support sets. All sets cover the same lessons but vary in pace, challenge and adult support. An additional maths session is timetabled, once a week, to purely focus on catch-up for the areas of maths identified.

This half of term our learning focus is:

     •  Percentages

     •  Geometry 

     •  Position and movement

Homework will be set every Friday, which may be on paper or through the MyMaths website. We also expect children to spend time using TT Rockstars, to develop their times tables knowledge and speed, several times a week.


English skills will be taught in variety of ways, including specific lessons and through cross-curricular words.

In addition to the genres below we teach regular spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons and reading comprehension.

     •  Poetry – Joseph Coelho poetry. Read, write and perform free verse.

     •  Non-chronological reports – Show through a range of writing an understanding of how non-fiction writing can be presented for a range of audiences

Spelling homework is set weekly on Edshed, with games that match the rule.


This half term the children will be studying ‘Animals in their Habitats,’ learning about how the life cycles of different classes of living things.

Foundation Studies

We teach a range of subjects through our Creative Curriculum approach including:

     •  DT– Develop an understanding of structures and how different shapes can improve structures.

     •  Geography – Human and geographical features of the Grand Canyon. 

     •  Computing - Designing and building websites with basic hyperlinks. Researching information for a website 

     •  Music – Learn to play a tuned instrument (ukelele)

     •  P.E – Dodgeball and hockey

     •  PSHE - Belonging to a community. What influences our career choice? 

     •  R.E- If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship?     

Please click on the homework tab on the school website for our homework policy and suggestions for creative homework tasks for this topic.

We expect all the children in this year to work hard. We have high expectations and hope you will support us, you can do this by:

Organisational aspects

     •  Ensuring that your child is at school on time and dressed appropriately; 

     •  Make sure that your child wears a PE kit on PE days which is clearly labelled;

     •  All children may bring a healthy snack;

     •  Encourage your child to be prepared for the school day with the correct equipment.

Educational aspects

     •  Ensure your child reads every single day for at least fifteen minutes, preferably to an adult

     •  Encourage your child to research other words that match the week’s spelling rules, as well as learning the words sent home 

     •  Mathematics, encourage your child to practise the 4 operations (+, -, ÷, x), learn tables

and use mathematical skills in everyday life, eg time and money. 

Communication with your child’s class teacher can be made through the class email. If you wish to make a longer appointment please telephone the school office and this can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.

Looking forward to another exciting half-term with the children!

The Year 5 Team 

Year 5 Learning Objectives Spring 2 2025 Year 5 Creative Homework Spring 2 2025

Year 5 Spring – First Half Term 2025       
‘How has the legacy of the Shang Dynasty affected the modern world?’

What will we be learning about in school this half term?


Maths is now being taught in sets. We have three challenge sets and two support sets. All sets cover the same lessons but vary in pace, challenge and adult support. An additional half an hour will be added to our normal Friday session to focus on arithmetic skills.

This half of term our learning focus is:

     •  Fractions 

     •  Decimals 

     •  Percentages   

     •  Geometry       

Homework will be set every Friday, which may be on paper, through the MyMaths website or as TT Rockstars challenge to participate in. We also expect children to spend time using TT Rockstars, to develop their times tables knowledge and speed, several times a week.


English skills will be taught in variety of ways, including specific lessons and through cross-curricular words.

In addition to the genres below we teach regular spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons and reading comprehension.

     •  Non-fiction  – Journalist writing 

     •  Narrative  – Myths and legends 

Spelling homework is set weekly on EdShed. Children encouraged to learn given words, exploring spelling rules by playing the 5 games set, or more if they wish.


Changes in Materials – Exploring reversible and irreversible reactions


Foundation Studies

We teach a range of subjects through our Creative Curriculum approach including:

     •  History -  all aspects of the Shang Dynasty

     •  Computing - online safety 

     •  Music - looping and remixing   

     •  P.E - tennis and dance   

     •  PSHE - E-safety. Families, friendships and safe relationships   

     •  R.E - Sikhism 

     •  DT -  food technology   

     •  Art – Sculpture and 3D art installations

Please click on the homework tab on the school website for our homework policy and suggestions for creative homework tasks for this topic

We expect all the children in this year to work hard. We have high expectations and hope you will support us, you can do this by:

Organisational aspects

     •  Ensuring that your child is at school on time and dressed appropriately 

     •  Make sure that your child has a PE kit which is clearly labelled   

     •  All children may bring a healthy snack 

     •  Encourage your child to be prepared for the school day with the correct equipment.   

Educational aspects

     •  Ensure your child reads every single day for at least fifteen minutes, preferably to an adult 

     •  Encourage your child to research other words that match the week’s spelling rules, as well as learning the words sent home 

     •  Mathematics, encourage your child to practise the 4 operations (+, -, ÷, x), learn tables and use mathematical skills in everyday life, e.g. time and money. 

Communication with your child’s class teacher can be made through the class email (see below). If you wish to make a longer appointment please telephone the school office and this can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and successful New Year!

The Year 5 Team 

Year 5 Learning Objectives Spring 1 2025 Year 5 Creative Homework Spring 1 2025

Year 5 Autumn – Second Half Term 2024       
How does water shape our world?

What will we be learning about in school this half term?


Maths is now being taught in groups. All groups cover the same lessons but vary in pace, challenge and adult support.

This half of term our learning focus is:

     •  Multiplication and division

     •  Word Problems

     •  Graphs   

Homework will be set every Friday, which may be on paper, through the MyMaths website or as TT Rockstars challenge to participate in. We also expect children to spend time using TT Rockstars, to develop their times tables knowledge and speed, several times a week.


English skills will be taught in variety of ways, including specific lessons and through cross-curricular words.

In addition to the genres below we teach regular spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons and reading comprehension.

     •  Poetry - Shape and acrostic

     •  Narrative – Warning story with environmental issues

     •  Non-fiction  - Explanation texts    


This half term the children will be studying ‘Properties of materials’, exploring how materials

Foundation Studies

We teach a range of subjects through our Creative Curriculum approach including:

     •  Geography - To explore water on our planet and understand the water cycle

     •  Computing - Select, use and combine a variety of software to collect, analyse, evaluate and present data and information

     •  Music –playing instruments, reading musical notation

     •  P.E – Yoga and Tag Rugby

     •  PSHE – Respecting ourselves and others

     •  R.E - Judaism

     •  DT – Creating a gift card with an electrical circuit

     •  Art – Craft and design architecture

Please click on the homework tab on the school website for our homework policy and suggestions for creative homework tasks for this topic

We expect all the children in this year to work hard. We have high expectations and hope you will support us, you can do this by:

Organisational aspects

     •  Ensuring that your child is at school on time and dressed appropriately

     •  Make sure that your child has a PE kit which is clearly labelled

     •  All children may bring a healthy snack

     •  Encourage your child to be prepared for the school day with the correct equipment.

Educational aspects

     •  Ensure your child reads every single day for at least fifteen minutes, preferably to an adult

     •  Encourage your child to research other words that match the week’s spelling rules, as well as learning the words sent home

     •  Mathematics, encourage your child to practise the 4 operations (+, -, ÷, x), learn tables and use mathematical skills in everyday life, e.g. time and money.

Communication with your child’s class teacher can be made through the class email (see below). If you wish to make a longer appointment please telephone the school office and this can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.

We have had such a positive start to the year, long may it continue!

The Year 5 Team 

Year 5 Learning Objectives Autumn 2 2024 Year 5 Creative Homework Autumn 2 2024

Year 5 - Autumn 1 Term 2024
‘Made Up Myths or Legendary Legacy - Who Were the Ancient Greeks?’


What will we be learning about in school this half term?



Maths will begin in classes for the first three weeks and move to sets in the fourth week. We have taken this gradual approach to setting for maths as the children have not experienced working in this way before and we wanted them to feel completely comfortable in their new environment first. This time also gives us a good opportunity to get to know the children and their learning requirements, to then move them into sets that suit them best.


This half of term our learning focus is:

  • Place value and counting – including place value to millions
  • Addition and subtraction – including column methods and problem solving
  • Multiplication and division – including factors, multiples and prime numbers


Homework will be set every Friday, which may be on paper or through the MyMaths website. We also expect children to spend time using TT Rockstars, to develop their times tables knowledge and speed, several times a week.



English skills will be taught in a variety of ways, including specific lessons and through cross-curricular words.

In addition to the genres below we teach regular spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons and reading comprehension.

     •  Poetry

     •  Recount

     •  Playscripts

Spelling homework is set weekly on Edshed, with games that match the rule.



This half term the children will be studying Earth and Space, exploring phases of the moon, the planets and rotation of the earth.


Foundation Studies

We teach a range of subjects through our Creative Curriculum approach including:

     •  DT - textiles (WOW day)

     •  Art - space imagery

     •  History – Ancient Greeks

     •  Computing - coding

     •  Music – musical notation/theory

     •  P.E - dodgeball and hockey

     •  PSHE – friendships and family

     •  R.E- Creation Stories     


Please click on the homework tab on the school website for our homework policy and suggestions for creative homework tasks for this topic


We expect all the children in this year to work hard. We have high expectations and hope you will support us, you can do this by:


Organisational aspects

     •  Ensuring that your child is at school on time and dressed appropriately;

     •  Make sure that your child wears a PE kit on PE days which is clearly labelled;

     •  All children may bring a healthy snack;

     •  Encourage your child to be prepared for the school day with the correct equipment.


Educational aspects

     •  Ensure your child reads every single day for at least fifteen minutes, preferably to an adult

     •  Encourage your child to research other words that match the week’s spelling rules, as well as learning the words sent home

     •  Mathematics, encourage your child to practise the 4 operations (+, -, ÷, x), learn tables

and use mathematical skills in everyday life, eg time and money.


Communication with your child’s class teacher can be made through the class email. If you wish to make a longer appointment, please telephone the school office and this can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.


The children have made such a positive start to the year already and we look forward to the year ahead with them.


The Year 5 Team
Year 5 Learning Objectives Autumn 1 2024 Year 5 Creative Homework Autumn 1 2024
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